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Integrating Natural Living into a Creative Business: Part One, Essential Oils

Writer: Paige Anderson Paige Anderson

If you've received a quilt from me, it has definitely been washed with nag champa or lavender essential oil, so... let me tell you why. This is the first part of a series of posts where I share resources on how to integrate natural living into your life and creative business.

okay, you guys know me by now right? If you've been following me for the last few months, you know that this blog is more than a mom blog, and more than a craft + DIY blog. It's kind of a hybrid of both with a feminism and ecology tilt... so bear with me if you're here for the sewing aspect, because today I'm talking about essential oils. I've been working to integrate more natural living aspects into my life and business, including natural dye from kitchen scraps, using organic cotton, upcycling clothing, and yes, using essential oils instead of chemical fragrances.

Does this sound familiar... You knew you wanted to take charge of your health (and your family’s) when you first began learning about natural remedies. You probably even knew it wouldn’t be easy. But you had no idea you’d be so overwhelmed and confused by how much there is to learn and all the conflicting opinions.

I’ve had the same frustrations. When I first became interested in natural health, I spent so much time researching. I squeezed our tight budget to find funds. I often had to experiment and guess, and I made a lot of mistakes along the way. Like, I bought some cheap essential oils from amazon to just try out and got a bad rash. Oops! I learned a little about natural remedies during my time studying ecology at Western Washington University and during grad school at The Evergreen State College, but that didn't prepare me for how badly I wanted to have my daughter's childhood be as chemical free as possible.

Here’s the thing, though: I didn’t really have the extra time or dollars I wished I had to devote to my new goal. I did my best with what I had as a new mom, but it was hard work, and a lot of trial and error. And that’s why I want to make it easier for you.

What if I told you someone had already put together a complete package to get you up to speed on using herbs and essential oils safely and effectively (I wish I knew of this a year ago!), or even help you dig deeper into the research and learn more advanced techniques once you’ve got the basics down (This is where I'm at now)? Yes, there is a TON to learn in order to use essential oils safely and effectively.

And… that package was already carefully vetted for you (saving you time) – at a price that’s way too low to miss (saving you money)?

Well, look no further, because it’s here! Yeah this is cheesy butttt....

Introducing the Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle!

For six days only, everything you need (and then some) is in one fabulous package, for the most affordable price ever.

This year’s edition of the Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle includes 28 ebooks and printables, 4 full eCourses, and 2 membership sites!

These top-quality resources cover everythingyou need to give you the skills and confidence to use natural remedies in your home.

You’ll get a complete library to help you:

  • Rebuild your medicine cabinet with natural remedies

  • Create beauty and skincare products without harmful ingredients

  • Treat your digestive complaints, pain, colds, and flus with everything in your medicine cabinet

  • Know which herbs are safe for pregnancy, babies and children

  • Discover which natural substances combat multi-drug resistance, infections and even cancer

  • Confidently prepare herbal extracts, salves, and balms

  • Liven up your meals and get major health benefits by using the right herbs

  • and so much more!

Plus, it comes with over $60 worth of bonus offers from companies you’ll love (like essential oil diffuser earrings, natural skincare, and herbal tinctures!).

You sort of need to see it to believe it, but the package includes 34 digital products and it’s worth over $560 (but you’ll get it for 95% off)!

I'm testing out this package right now and I'm so in awe.

Besides being so incredibly helpful, one of the things I like best about the bundle is the price. By offering it for a short time only, the team at Ultimate Bundles is able to give you access to ALL of this… for just $29.97.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Visit their website, take a quick look at all the goodness that comes in this package, then click the “Get my copy now!” button to go through their simple and secure 3-step checkout process.

  2. You’ll receive an email with a login to the online access portal, where you’ll begin downloading your eBooks, signing up for your eCourses, and redeeming your free bonus offers.

  3. Use their Getting Started Guide to pick the topic you want to tackle first and start using natural remedies!

The most important detail, though, is that this bundle is available at this price for just six days! After Monday night, June 4th, the price goes up. I’d hate for you to miss out, so click here or on any of the photos in this post to learn more, or buy the bundle.

It’s even backed by a 100% happiness guarantee, so you can make sure it’s right for you. It was right for me, and I've been feeling so much more upbeat, creative, and present in sewing and motherhood since I've swapped out a lot of beauty + household products with essential oils.

You want to protect your health. You shouldn’t have to feel overwhelmed because it costs too much or it’s too hard to trustworthy resources that make using natural remedies easy. Thank god eco-friendly is trendy, right? It makes it easy to be ecologically responsible, it is slowly becoming something we can all strive for, bougie or not.


(Psst… the bundle price will go up at 11:59pm Eastern on Monday, June 4th, so don’t wait!)

****This post contains affiliate links. That means if you choose to click any of these links I'll make a small commission. I would never recommend anything I didn't believe in. Affiliate commission sales help me have the funds to keep providing free content on the blog, so if you do follow any of the links, THANK YOU.

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